Tag: everyday food
Savor Fresh California Cuisine on the Coast.
2011 Diet Books: Party Girl Diet Debuts in Times Square New York May 2011!
5-15-2011/San Francisco, CA/Author Aprilanne Hurley Reveals a Fun and Easy Way to End Yo-Yo Dieting with “The Party Girl Diet” – a Revolutionary New Lifestyle that Lets People Lose Weight and Keep it Off – While They’re Having the Time of They’re Lives! “The Party Girl Diet” is more than …
Emergency Supply Checklist

There is a certain “peace of mind” that comes with ‘being prepared” for disasters that comes with the knowledge that you have done all you can to protect you and your family. Trust me, it really does feel good to know you will have what you need to survive for at least 3 days on your own if you had to – so TRY IT and see for yourself! Check out the emergency supply list below…
HeroesHappen.com offers "lifestyle friendly" Volunteerism with TV Hero Masi Oka
INSIDE LOOK TV, LLC in partnership with California Living Primetime offers “Lifestyle Friendly” Volunteerism with HeroesHappen.com – A unique “Find Your Match Volunteer Oportunity Website” dedicated to catering to the interests and lifestyles of each individual. Check out “Heroes Happen – Find the Hero in YOU” – Public Awareness TV Campaign now On-Demand!
Preparedness Resources & Links
CA INSIDER.com joins CA Living TV to deliver the Ultimate Guide to California Living like an Insider!

The re-launch of CA INSIDER.com sets the stage for the ability to publish high-end video on demand content (VOD) from the Bay Area lifestyle show California Living – with show host Aprilanne Hurley’s passion for sharing the best of everything living in California has to offer in a new, slick magazine style format on the web!
The Man behind the Maverick's Surf Legend on CA Living Primetime Ondemand!
Eureka! CA's 6.5 Wake up call to "Be Prepared!"
When a 6.5 earthquake hits Northern California we don’t need another reason to “BE PREPARED.” Since CA is exceptionaly prone to natural disaster such as earthquakes and fires – “Diasaster Preparedness” has been an important theme on Aprilanne.com – my blog: “last minute” holiday gift ideas – and it is also the most recent category added on CALivngTV.com – offering an easy to read guide on how to BE PREPARED. Disaster Preparedness is a topic everyone needs to deal with – no matter who we are, where we live, or what we do – no one is exempt from the threat of disaster and everyone needs to put a plan in place and get set with the supplies they need to Be Prepared.
Discover the REAL "Fountain of Youth" at your fingertips!

Now what if I told you – the secrets to living a longer, happier, and healthier life are available to you right now and are literally just a mere click away – and all FREE for the taking? I know, you may be wondering “what’s the catch?” Well – there is no catch. I’m not pushing any magic pills – secret virility potions – fancy creams – or body altering gadgets.