Is the "Fountain of Youth" as close as your fridge?
Discover The “Fountain of Youth” ~ Look and feel younger, live longer – sound too good to be true? By Aprilanne on 12/29/2009 under Healthy Living
Man’s quest for the proverbial “Fountain of Youth” can be traced as far back as the time of Alexander Romance (could be as early as the 3rd Century and even further if you count Biblical references) when Herodotus‘ a Greek historian chronicles tales of discovering “healing waters” from a fountian located in the land of the Ethiopians.
Other “fountain of youth myths” were introduced to the New World by sixteenth-century historians who “expanded” upon the Spanish Explorer Ponce de Leon’s account of discovering the “Fountain of Youth” in 1513 on what he thought was an island – which is now Florida.
Present day – we have access to a plethora of health and beauty products and treatments promising to “take away the years” and halt the signs of aging. Health food stores are brimming with supplements, specialty foods, and “potions” promising anti-aging and longevity boosting benefits to those consuming their contents. Plastic surgery has become an acceptable option to looking younger, and research and drug companies search to create medications to help us live longer. There are as many exercise machines and fad diets out there now as there are shapes and sizes of people trying to loose weight with them.
And naturally – consumers snatch it all up with intense fervor as the promise of eternal youth and happiness is worth every hard earned dollar spent – assuming of course, these products actually do deliver on what they promise. Unfortunately, as we have all experienced – this is not typically the case, and all we have to show for our investments are empty promises, deflated hopes, and shattered dreams of attaining that ellusive state of “everlasting youth.”

Aprilanne offers the secrets to living a longer, healthier, and happier life with CA Living's Top 10 Foods!
Now what if I told you – the secrets to living a longer, happier, and healthier life are available to you right now and are literally just a mere click away – and all FREE for the taking? I know, you may be wondering “what’s the catch?” Well – there is no catch. I’m not pushing any magic pills – secret virility potions – fancy creams – or body altering gadgets. Just click here to watch “CA Living’s Top 10 Foods Proven to Enhance Health & Longevity. “ You can also check out other great Health & Wellness info. and a printed version of our Top 10 Foods on CALivingTV.com.
The ironic thing is – many, and perhaps even ALL of the foods on CA Livings Top 10 Food List such as red grapes, olive oil, nuts, etc., have been important staples in man’s diet dating back long before the “Fountain of Youth” myths even started to surface – proving that the solution to man’s quest to find the “Fountain of Youth” has possibly been within reach all along.
Click here to watch “CA Living’s Top 10 Foods Proven to Enhance Health & Longevity”
Printed version of -CA Living’s Top 10 Foods
Of course, for some, having the answers to attain good health, happiness, and enhanced longevity just may not be enough – as it is the very “thrill of the chase,” the richly rooted folklore, and the ongoing search for a literal “fountain of youth” that keeps this age old quest alive.
For these “die hards” – perhaps a check in to see what Magician David Copperfield is up to is in order – as back in 2006 he claimed the “fountain of youth” existed within the boundaries of a few islands in the Bahamas he purchased where reportedly “the waters had magical, life altering healing powers” breathing new life into dead leaves and “near dead” insects…hmmm. Now while I’m always one for giving someone the “benefit of the doubt” folks – let’s keep in mind this guy made his living tricking people with his “illusionary” skills and play it safe for now by calling on the proven super powers of garlic, spinach, tomatoes, and array of other healthy foods available to us right now – no strings attached! Enjoy ~ Aprilanne