Eureka! CA's 6.5 Wake up call to "Be Prepared!"

In light of the recent 6.5 in Northern CA - these Stocking Stuffers would come in handy right about now...

These "Stocking Stuffers" could come in handy right about now...

When a 6.5 earthquake hits Northern California we don’t need another reason to “BE PREPARED.”  Since CA is exceptionaly prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes and fires – “Diasaster Preparedness” has been an  important theme on with blog posts like:   “Life Saving Stocking Stuffers – and it is also the most recent category added on: – with a Quick-Tip “Be Prepared” Guide.

Please visit FEMA’s site: for great info. on this timely topic and “resolve to be prepared in 2010.”  Aprilanne

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